Merauke Looks to Biomass as Major Source of Power Generation

Biomass refers to renewable organic materials from agricultural, and forestry waste that are converted into electricity. They produce less greenhouse gases than coal-fired power plants. Therefore, the use of biomass will help reduce the effects of climate change and improve air quality in the region. The eastern region of Indonesia has great renewable energy potential that local communities can tap into to become self-sufficient. The Merauke region of Papua, the largest province in Indonesia and the largest region in Indonesia bordering the country of Papua New Guinea, is increasingly looking to biomass as a major source of energy.

The energy potential for electricity generation in Merauke is significant, and includes solar, wind and biomass. Merauke has large palm plantations which produce much waste, plenty of biomass that can serve as material for bioenergy production. Biomass is considered a renewable energy source because it is made of organic materials that can be replenished in the environment. Unlike fossil fuels, which take millions of years to form, biomass can be produced through agriculture and forestry. In addition, the use of biomass reduces the impact on the environment by promoting sustainable practices through the use of waste that has been disposed. With the improvements in technology and the need to tackle climate change, there is a growing need for alternative energy sources.

The Merauke region of Papua is a small example where people are able to enjoy electricity from green energy. Merauke Regency is one of the districts in South Papua, whose electricity needs are supplied by state electricity company PT PLN. About 15% of the electricity in the Merauke region of Papua already comes from renewable energy based on biomass power plants. The use of biomass in Merauke is carried out through various projects that focus on the production of electricity from biomass. With careful planning and effective implementation, Merauke can use biomass resources to meet local energy needs in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner. The Indonesian government also plans to increase Merauke’s bio-based electricity generation capacity through the energy project plan 2021-2030. New power generation is currently being provided by PT Merauke Narada Energi, which has developed a 3.5 MW biomass power plant in Wapeko, Merauke Regency. The government drive will undoubtedly ensure that the share energy produced from biomass will continue to increase in the future.

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