New Orchid Species Discovered in West Papua, More Potential Discoveries in the Future

As many as 23 new species of orchids have been discovered in West Papua. This was the result of a joint exploration conducted by, among others, the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Regional Research and Innovation Agency (Brida) West Papua, University of Papua, West Papua Natural Resources Conservation Centre (KSDA) and Royal Botanic Gardens Kew.

These new species were discovered in the area of West Batanta Island Nature Reserve, TWA Klamono, North Tambrauw Mountains Nature Reserve and South Tambrauw Mountains Nature Reserve buffer area.

“Some have been described and had botanical descriptions made. Hopefully this year our target or at the latest next year, we have all of them published, “said Forest Ecosystem Controller at the West Papua KSDA Reza Saputra at the Biodiversity Week event, in Jakarta, Friday (5/17).

He revealed that the exploration has been carried out since 2022. Meanwhile, several new species were discovered in the area of West Batanta Island Nature Reserve, TWA Klamono, North Tambrauw Mountains Nature Reserve and South Tambrauw Mountains Nature Reserve buffer area.

These newly discovered species will later be named after local people or local West Papuan words. This was done as a conservation-based approach to the community. “If we name new species after them, it will make the management of the area and our approach to the community more convenient for them to help us,” he said.

In addition to new species, Reza and his team also rediscovered five orchid species that have never been sighted for decades or even centuries. These include Taeniophyllum maximum which was only rediscovered after 107 years, Dendrobium azureum which was only rediscovered after 78 years, Didymoplexis torricellensis which was only rediscovered after 114 years, Crepidium productum which was only rediscovered after 110 years and Taeniophyllum conoceras which was only rediscovered after 106 years.

Orchids are popular ornamental plants, not only in Indonesia but also the world. Their beautiful colours and shapes are attractive to plant lovers, whether they grow in gardens or adorn a corner of the house.

Indonesia alone has thousands of species of orchids, which come from forests in various regions. There are as many as 3,820 species and the highest number are found in Kalimantan and Papua. So far, there are as many as 1,467 species in Kalimantan, 700 species in Sulawesi, 432 species in Maluku, 297 species in Nusa Tenggara, 784 species in Java, 1,231 in Sumatra and 1,336 species in Papua. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) said there was potential to find more orchid species in Indonesia, especially on Papua Island. The reason is, there are still many areas that have yet to be explored.

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